Saturday, November 20

Mom and Peggy's Thanksgiving Dressing

This is the most amazing dressing/stuffing I've ever had.  We look forward to it all year long in my family.


Peggy's Cornbread - minus one or two slices
16 oz bag of Pepperidge Farm Herb Seasoned stuffing mix
2 sticks of butter
1 small bunch of celery - everything but the inside ribs
2 medium onions
1 large granny smith apple
8 oz package of mushrooms
1 tsp salt
2 tsp poultry seasoning
1 tsp Nature Seasoning

Crumble cornbread finely into a large bowl and mix with the whole package of Pepperidge Farm mix.  Heat two cups of water and two sticks of butter in microwave until butter has melted and fold into cornbread and breadcrumbs mixture. 

Slice celery, onions, apple and mushrooms into large chunks and finely chop using food processor.  Add to dressing mixture along with salt, poultry seasoning and Nature Seasoning and turn using hands to mix thoroughly. 

Dressing will be very moist, similar to a thick oatmeal texture.  Add broth if it feels too dry.

If cooking with the turkey, spoon dressing into and around the turkey after the turkey has been cooking for about 1 1/2 hours without packing as it will expand.  Rewrap the turkey with additional foil as needed and continue to bake at 350 until done.

If you do not want to cook this in the turkey, then bake in a well greased casserole dish at 350 until it is golden and crisp on top and fully baked throughout - about 1 1/2 hours. 

1 comment:

  1. THIS is Thanksgiving! All the rest is just garnish for the stuffing!!!


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